Friday, October 25, 2013

Post #3 Vlad Emelyanov on Invisibility

          It is quite probable that an invisibility or light bending “cloak” will be developed in the near future, but how will the world receive something like this invention? It is obvious that the military would snag this up very quickly because of its strategic potential, however would there be a civilian recreation version? The answer is not immediately, but yes. Often times, inventions that are developed and used by the military eventually leak out or are released to the public, a prime example of this is the internet that we are now using for this blog. This invisibility suit would not be readily available at first to civilians for two prime reasons: it will be incredibly expensive like new technologies often are, nd the second is that people are afraid of change and new things. At first, this light bending suit will be terrifying because people will often jump to the worst conclusions about it, such as its potential for committing crime. But after a while, perhaps after a new generation comes in, the will be released to the public, and for people who are worried about the negative uses of technology like this will be able to have upgraded security systems, that for example heat sensors, because a light bending suit would not stop heat from leaking out, and would probably generate a lot of its own, because there is a lot of power involved in making it work. So get ready people, soon you will be able to take incognito to the extreme! Mind you, it will still be extremely expensive.

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