Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Period 6, Group 3 (Post 2): Maia, Kristen, Radhika, and Ramya

Upon further research it is indeed possible to become invisible. The South Koreans have begun to build an invisible skyscraper just outside its capital, Seoul. Why you would need an invisible building we are unsure, but it is awesome all the same. With the advances in today's technology it seems an interesting place to test the cloaking features we have invented so far. It is quite difficult to cloak something small and mobile with today's technology. If Harry’s cloak were real, it would be in high demand, however, going full scale on a 1,500 foot building seems quite superfluous. The tower will use an LED system that uses cameras that send real-time images onto the building's reflective surfaces. Essentially it takes pictures of what is behind it and projects it onto the front of the building. To scale this down and be able to use it on people would be revolutionary.
The headway that invisibility cloaking is making on this tower has emboldened our belief in the application of cloaking, and raises our hopes for all of the ways cloaking can be used in the future. To be able to configure cloaking to a smaller scale you could do things like  protect soldiers and cops in the line of fire, and make it easier for scientists to observe subjects in their natural environment without interfering with their subjects.

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