Monday, October 14, 2013

Gravity Gun (Physics Gun) Wilson Shie, Brian Reip, Vitor Aguiar

The gravity gun, or the physics gun, is also called the grav gun. The grav gun is technically also the physics gun because of its abilities. Even though, some people would say the physics gun is a different weapon the gravity gun has the same capabilites. Some people can argue that the physics gun has a bigger reach than the gravity gun. The physics gun was the "prototype physics manipulator"   which was introduced in the Half Life 2 Beta. The grav gun was the finished product and had replaced the physics gun in Half Life 2. The gravity gun was created by Eli Vance and is a tractor-beam like weapon to punt and move various objects. In Half Life 2, the grav gun was said to be why Gordon Freeman, main character of the Half Life series, succeeded against the Combine, empire in Half Life. The grav gun can also become "supercharged" and emits a blue instead of an orange light. The grav gun is only "supercharged" when it has entered the Confiscation Field in Citadel. Our group believes that the gravity gun is feasible but is unlikely to be achieved.  We believe that the gravity gun combines both the Coriolis Effect, the ability to deflect objects, and a tractor beam, made of two Bessel Beams to move the particles in small objects.

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